4 Park Lane, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928
We are in the process of selling our church and will be moving into our new location October 13th although we are still conducting services at 4 Park Lane until the move.
We are still on Hilton Head. Our new address is:
35A Bow Circle
Hilton Head, SC 29928
Services and Reading Room
Sunday services are held at 10:00 am
Sunday School and Nursery are by appointment
There are no Wednesday services at this time – but check back!
Our Reading Room is open before and after Sunday services and by appointment.
To request an appointment, email us at info@christiansciencechurchhhi.com. The Bible, the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, and other literature distributed by the Christian Science Publishing Society may be purchased in our Reading Room, located in this building. Come and enjoy this quiet haven for prayer and study.
Email us at: info@christiansciencechurchhhi.com